Emergency Phone Number: 911
Non-Emergency Phone Number: (815) 853-4351
Marshall County: (309) 246-2115

K9 TASKO is a 2 year old Malinois born in Belgium. K9 TASKO and Deputy A. Smith completed their training at the Kane County K9 Academy and graduated on June 07, 2024. K9 TASKO is trained in narcotics detection, criminal apprehension, article recovery, tracking, and obedience.
The Marshall County Sheriff’s Office provides police services to the City of Wenona, IL
24hours a day, 7 days a week. The Marshall County Sheriff’s Office is comprised of 12
Deputies, (1) K9 Unit, and (2) Investigators.
The mission of the Marshall County Sheriff's Office is to enhance Marshall County's
quality of life through service to and protection of all who visit, live and work within the
county. The office fulfills its mission through the honor, integrity and teamwork office
members demonstrate as they enforce the law with dignity, respect and sense of self-
worth, thereby reducing the incidence and fear of crime.
The Marshall County Sheriff’s Office also offers community outreach programs offering
education in: Teen Driver Awareness, Sexual Assault Awareness, Active Shooter
Response, Modern Scam Awareness, and K9 Demonstration. Please feel to contact us
if your organization would like a presentation any of the above subject matters or would
like education in a separate matter.
Contact Information: Emergency 911
Non-Emergency (309)246-2115 Ext. 3
Address: Wenona Office
205 S. Walnut St.
Wenona, IL 61377
Marshall County Sheriff’s Office
520 6th St.
Lacon, IL 61540
Contacts: For Crime Tips:
Sheriff Wayne Strawn: wstrawn@marshallcountyillinois.gov
Detective Kyle Rinehart: krinehart@marshallcountyillinois.gov
Chief Deputy Aaron Wilson: awilson@marshallcountyillinois.gov
Popular Links:
Illinois Sex Offender Registry Domestic/Sexual Abuse Resource https://isp.illinois.gov/Sor/Disclaimer
Domestic/Sexual Abuse Resource: https://www.freedomhouseillinois.org/
Marshall County, IL https://marshallcountyillinois.gov/
Mental Health Resource https://arukahinstitute.org/
City Ordinance